Crop Farming at Xtreme Returns Farms
At Xtreme Returns Farms, we employ intensive crop farming methods such as agricultural machinery, advanced farming methods as well as necessary farming technology needed to achieve large scale production.
In modern times, crop farming is intensive and involves the industrialized production of crops. Presently we produce two crops: Maize and Cassava
In modern times, crop farming is intensive and involves the industrialized production of crops. Presently we produce two crops: Maize and Cassava

Maize Farming
Our maize farm is setup on 220 Hectares and this requires the use of mechanized tools especially during planting. Any well drained sandy loam or loamy soil can be used for planting maize.
During land preparation, due to the fact that large scale planting is used, the clearing method ensures preservation of the topsoil.
Once the land is prepared, the hybrid maize seeds are planted immediately to allow them get ahead of any weeds.
Xtreme Returns Farms uses Oba Super 4 maize seeds, purchased from Premier Seeds Limited.
Upon harvest, the product is packaged into bags and you can purchase from our store.
During land preparation, due to the fact that large scale planting is used, the clearing method ensures preservation of the topsoil.
Once the land is prepared, the hybrid maize seeds are planted immediately to allow them get ahead of any weeds.
Xtreme Returns Farms uses Oba Super 4 maize seeds, purchased from Premier Seeds Limited.
Upon harvest, the product is packaged into bags and you can purchase from our store.

Maize Farming
Cassava Farming
Once the land is prepared, the hybrid maize seeds are planted immediately to allow them get ahead of any weeds.
Xtreme Returns Farms uses Oba Super 4 maize seeds, purchased from Premier Seeds Limited.
Upon harvest, the product is packaged into bags and you can purchase from our store.
Once the land is prepared, the hybrid maize seeds are planted immediately to allow them get ahead of any weeds.
Xtreme Returns Farms uses Oba Super 4 maize seeds, purchased from Premier Seeds Limited.
Upon harvest, the product is packaged into bags and you can purchase from our store.
Starting a crop farm is both an art and a science. If you are interested in starting a crop farm in Nigeria or elsewhere, you can simply model what we do.
Your location determines the success of your crop. Crop farms are best located in rural settlements, where land and labor costs are low. There must also be a good transport and road network as well as water access. Your farm should also not be far away from your abode so you can manage the daily affairs. Once your cost of capital is met, you can use structures and equipment for a more extended period of time to scale. Even if you are a new farmer, you can rent equipment. The equipment used for a starting a crop farm in Nigeria is relative to what your budget can accommodate and what your goals are. Are you ready to start a crop farm? Contact us today.